Cost $250 per family vehicle covers you from Thursday evening through until any time Monday. that is 4 Days of relaxation and good times
A family vehicle is 2 parents and up to three children (Package will not be broken)
Gates open 3.30pm Thursday 18th April 2019
Gates open 3.30 pm Thursday 18th April 2019
at the office on the camping ground.
If you wish to arrive earlier then please come before 12 mid day at an extra cost of $30 per vehicle
No admittance between mid day and 3.30 as we will be doing work place health and safety training. So unable to sign you in then.
No admittance between mid day and 3.30 as we will be doing work place health and safety training. So unable to sign you in then.
Easter 2019 Featuring
Saturday Evening
Night Run, Band at the shed with prizes for the night run
Night Run, Band at the shed with prizes for the night run
Helicopter joy flights will operate all Easter weekend weather permitting always a great experience for those who wish to take the experience.
all day slow pack up and drive safely home.

Rubbish a big issue now
- We no longer have access to landfill
- We must do the primary sorting ourselves.
- Please place all recyclable items in rubbish bags, tie the tops and place in the recycle bin.
- All general rubbish, in bags with the tops tied and placed in the rubbish bins.
- Compost bins are located at the wash sheds on camping ground A and B and on Forest Hill.
- Nappies should be placed in the specially marked bins or into plastic bags with the tops tied and placed in the rubbish bins.
- If you feel energetic then special tubs for bottles and cans are close to the entrance gates. If they are already in rubbish bags this helps me get all the refuse away when the tip is open.
Thank you for your cooperation Rosemary
How to Get Here...
Respect our neighbors please. Young families live along this road and they become upset if their baby is covered in dust. The turn-off from Urbenville onto Plantation Road is very sharp and should be taken slowly otherwise a roll-over may occur and the neighbor will become very upset, so please take care.
Ignore G.P.S. and use map
Early booking essential:
You can call us, email us or fill the booking form on the left hand side and some one from levuka will contact you to confirm your booking
- N.B. Make sure that your number-plates are free of any mud before leaving the park.
- We will have new arrangements in place for our rubbish over the weekend to comply with EPA following the Carbon Tax legislation. Once we know exactly what we are required to do we will put it up on the net.
- Dogs must have some type of tick protection.
- Bring long sleeve tops and long pants if you plan to do any of the walks, lavender oil and RID
- We have Telstra Next G phone reception only. The reception on park can be poor because of the hills.
- A small generator is fine if you plan to camp away from the main camping grounds. Please turn off by 9pm. If you need a generator for medical reasons please tell us so that we can place you in the most appropriate area to meet your needs
- You may bring your own porta-loo and bury the contents. A porta-loo palice is available at the Woodenbong Camping area beside the swimming pool at no cost.
- Courtesy bus service is no longer running to the Crown hotel Urbenville